Turned out I'm closest in my views with Rudy Juliani, but not by that much. I agree with him on 51% of the issues.
BTW my prediction was right - the one I;m the LEAST compatible with IS Huckabee. I sat beside a total Huckabee supporter on Thanksgiving Day - that was interesting. Found out some things I didn't know about her... kind of wish I still didn't know those things!! :-p
To clarify, (before anyone gets all fired up & flames me) I'm not saying he's all evil or anything like that. I just know that being aligned with him seemed to make my friend feel very comfortable with tossing the word "queer" around in ways that didn't mean odd. Made me want to smack her.
Anyway... If you'd like to take the poll & see who your "best match" is, click on the box above!