Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Laptop Addiction

I think I'm addicted to my laptop. I have tons of things to be doing but here I sit (and not just today, but practically EVERY day!) typing away! I'd hate to think how many scrapbooks I could've finished, books I could've read, dishes I could've washed (not!), sweaters I could've knitted, quilts I could've made... but instead it's type type type.

This addiction isn't totally a bad thing. I have made many good friends on-line, several whom I've actually met in person, and nobody chopped me into pieces and buried me by the river (despite the dire predictions of my friends.) :-)

The laptop also enables me to keep in touch with my parents much more than I'd done in years. We communicate almost daily rather than weekly or even monthly as it was before the internet. My mom is 76 but she loves e-mail and is the Queen of the Forwards, much to my childrens' chagrin. (Yeah, I'm not thrilled either but I seem to be able to blow it off easier than they do.)

When I just had a desktop computer I had to get up occasionally to stretch, but with the laptop I can be so comfy that nothing budges me except the bathroom needs of the dogs! (yeah, I have those needs too but I put off going until I have to get up for them!)

Speaking of which, Mr. G. is making his grumbling sound that means he needs to "go" so up I get! (while I'm gone you can diagram that sentence LOL!)

1 comment:

:::b r a n d i::: said...

So does that mean that why fulfilling your own bathroom needs the laptop stays with you?

ha ha hee hee ho ho.....