Monday, May 19, 2008

I'm first! I'm first!

Since I wrote about childish feelings on the blog below, I have to add another one. This one is more positive -

On one of my friend's blog pages my site is first on her list of her favorite blogs. Every time I see that I smile. Now, you have to remember that the list is in alphabetical order which is the reason I'm on top, but it still makes me smile!



Brenda is SO Blessed said...

gotta love you no matter what number you are on my list... You are a wonderful Becky no matter where you are on my list LOL

Ann Marie said...

Hey, is that my blog? You're tops on my list, babe! :-D lol :-) I have been out of town and am seriously behind in the blog-reading department...

Fuzzy White Dogs said...

BRENDA - Thank you so much!

ANN - YES, it's YOUR blog!! Isn't it funny that it makes me so happy!