Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Peppy Poodle Puppy

Sunday afternoon DH and I went to the pet shop to get some dog food. (We use a snazzy brand that Walmart doesn't carry.) (Kind of ironic when the humans are eating Walmart-brand generic pizza while the dogs munch on the Fabuloso Stuff, but that's another topic...)

Anyway, this pet shop had recently re-opened and now has what seems to be wonderful care for the animals. (hurrah!)

There was the most adorable little chocolate poodle there (not real chocolate, just the color LOL) and one of the sales people (who wore Safari Outfits, how cute is that?) apparently noticed that DH & I were enamored with it 'cause next thing we knew he was taking it out of its cage and bringing it out to see us. :-)

Within about 5 seconds it had left his hands and was in my embrace. (Well, maybe 6 seconds because they require that you use hand-sanitizer before holding the dogs - "their immune systems are still developing".)

The toy poodle was SOOOO cute, about the size of our Polly when we first got her (barely 2 pounds). It was 4 months old and had the wildest hair I've ever seen on a dog! DH said it had "bed head" all over! LOL Seriously, with its softly spiked coif shooting out in all directions and its tail strongly resembling that of a cartoon cat who has just stuck its claws in an electric socket, you'd never know that there was a sophisticated poodle hiding within, just waiting for the clippers to shape it into a snazzy creature sporting a ball on the end of its tail!

We took it to the petting area and played with the little bundle of energy. It was hysterical, bouncing all around, I'd forgotten just how crazy puppies can be (crazy in a good way)! After a bit we left Mr. Poodle in the hands of Safari Guy and headed home, where we were greeted by our own 2 furboos who sniffed each part of my clothes that had touched the puppy.

They knew something was up - went straight past the 'you're home, you're home!' phase and immediately started the suspicious "ummm hmm... who was he??" sniffing. After a bit they settled down as if to say "ok, you can pet 'em, just don't bring 'em home!"


Finn said...

Hi FWD lady, *VBS* Thanks for stopping by at Orphan Train and leaving me such a nice(?)comment...LOL
Yes, I'll play along..LOL, sucker that I am.
Love your blog, the name, the chatter, all of it.
It might take me a bit to get the tagging and links done, but I'll do it. I just learned to do links properly(?) yesterday. And I'll give ya a bonus, I'll also post them on my Pieces from my scrapbag blog. That's my real(?) blog...LOL
Thanks for finding me. Big hugs, Finn

:::b r a n d i::: said...

Ok, I was completely expecting the bottom of this post to admit that you had brought home a new little furball. I'm happy to see that you were able to show some sort of retraint that I probably don't have. LOL