Monday, June 4, 2007

Women with Long Hair belong in Communes!

I should be living in a commune... at least that's what my sister told me when I saw her a few weeks ago! We hadn't seen each other since Christmas, and apparently my hair has grown frighteningly long since then. (She does not like my hair long, which to her is anything extending beyond the tops of my ears!) Since I'm growing it for Locks of Love she didn't try to talk me into cutting it (although I could see her fingers twitch as she cast sidelong glances toward Dad's scissors on the tray table...)

It was so funny, she kept fiddling with it & pulling it up & back & saying "you have such a pretty face, you shouldn't hide it .." The REASON it was funny is BECAUSE it is exactly what my G-mama, my mom, and the neighborhood hairdresser used to say to me when I had it long back in the 60's. ( I mean here you are, trying to hide under this mass of hair, and people keep telling you to show your face!)

All her talk of long hair and communes got me to thinking, maybe it
would be kind of nice to live in one (a commune that is, not a long hair)! It'd be fun to be in a situation where one could always find somebody who was up for a game of Scrabble - and people would share chores. I would want to be the laundry girl. That's a job I enjoy doing - I find it rewarding - and I'm not frightened by enormous stacks of it!

I get a kick out of removing tough stains. (Hey, P&G, are you listening?) I could do an Era commercial! I love that stuff -- it's been my detergent of preference since the 70's! You don't even need a stain-stick!

I like the way the clothes come out of the dryer all warm and soft (or off the clothesline smelling like sunshine). Creating nice, neatly folded stacks of jeans and shirts is relaxing, and reuniting socks with their mates rivals the pleasure any therapist would feel after doing the same thing for couples.

Speaking of couples, how funny is it that all this talk of communes has not even touched on sex? Hmm... I'll have to ask my sister.


Ann Marie said...

Laundry's okay... but the best laundry is towels--simple to fold and put away, no ironing, not really any staining, and no fabric softener! LOL

Jen Hoover said...

ROFLMBO!!! ok -have *I* got a job for you!!!! ;)
I'll do the gardening! :D

I think you are right about the weirdo thing and guys and houses! ;)