Friday, June 29, 2007

The search for a couch continues...

This afternoon Dh & I headed over to the "Lazy Boy Showcase Shop" and checked out their furniture. OMG I could've gone to sleep and stayed there all night & been quite happy! Then we went over to Pier 1 (I knew they wouldn't have what we wanted -- and they didn't -- but it was right across the street & was a good excuse to get to check it out. :-) DH was tired though so we only spent a few minutes in there.

Anyway, we found a sectional that we liked a lot at LB. We got a sheet with dimensions on it (you can switch around the componentsw to make one that fits room). I'm going to play around with it tomorrow (the measurements) and see what I come up with.

I'm still having a hard time getting excited about spending this much money when we already have a couch. It's getting worn, but still.. we've been talking about getting bills paid off & here we are about to add to them instead. :-(

Ah well, we'll see....


{S} said...

LOL!! both my couches are from LB!! ;~) You'll be very satisfied. And if anything goes wrong.. they take care of it immediately!

Ann Marie said...

Ahhhh, couch shopping. I hate it with a passion. Hubby is forbidden to ever bring up purchasing a new couch again. This includes futons, loveseats, sectionals, or any other variation on said couch.

We really need one, but every time he says we can go get one, he freaks out and says we can't afford it. (We could if we really wanted to...)

:::b r a n d i::: said...

Couch shopping is quite taxing but fun. I hope you find what you are looking for and both can enjoy!!