Monday, September 17, 2007

Wednesday I will head south to lend moral support when little B. has tests done on her kidneys early the next day. I've had the same tests she's having - but I was about 22 times older than she is when I had them done. They aren't painful, but I can't imagine how they'll keep her still while they do them. One involves dye, and that's the one that has her mommy (my DD) worried. We will all be very relieved when the tests are over!

Brings back a lot of memories thinking about those tests. Ugh.

The dr. thinks it will turn out to be a fairly common condition that young children have (I can't think of the name of it to save me... but anyway it's something that does have a non-surgical cure.)

Tomorrow I'll go to the library & get a couple of books on tape to listen to while I'm driving. They make the trip go SO much faster!! I actually meant to get them today but I forgot. :-/ Ooops!


Ann Marie said...

You should ask if they have a music therapist--they can do interactive songs and instrument play or books with music and stuff to provide procedural support while the tests are done. A lot of pediatric divisions and children's hospitals are getting them nowadays--my practicum this semester is at a hospital on the peds unit, and I'm hoping to intern at KC children's hospital.

Give her lots of hugs! I'll be thinking of her. It could be scary to go through those tests when you're younger.

Denise said...

I hope it went okay... hugs & all that to you the family!!